What we discussed last week in our break-out group was how we learn best. I like a multi-faceted approach--watch a short video, read, think, talk --maybe with someone I don't agree with, think, write, discuss... --- for me learning takes time.
I am hoping to learn more about race and ethnicity as it plays out in the classroom. Students should be determining their own identity--racially and otherwise; we shouldn't be labeling anyone, but that's how it often plays out. How can educators facilitate self-actualization? What can we produce in class that might help teachers reach all our students from diverse backgrounds. Since I like a variety of media in learning materials, I think other teachers might like a video, a podcast, a short pamphlet, a panel discussion... there are a variety of directions we could go in.
I also am personally interested in race and ethnicity in my family. My kids embrace both Ukrainian and Chinese ethnicities, so we do things like put keilbasa in our fried rice, but they still have to pick one box on school forms and they are often labeled as Hispanic based on their appearance.
Looking forward to class....
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